Jay VerN

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Text input (paste ChatGPT output here for audio)

ChatGpt 3.5 Turbo Response

Promptless commands: Hey JayVern * | Hey JayBird * | Hey Jay Bird * (all Neural)

Prompt A (Studio) - Hey Jamie *

Prompt B (Wavenet) - Hey Robot * | A Robot *

Prompt C (Neural) - Hey Betty *

Pricing table - (hover below)

Expected costs: <$10 per month $5 DO + $1.50 ChatGPT + $1.50 GCPTTS

Digital Ocean hosting

$5/ month flat

GCP Pricing

Feature Free per month Price after free usage limit is reached

Neural2 voices 0 to 1 million bytes $0.000016 USD per byte ($16.00 USD per 1 million bytes)

Studio (Preview) voices 0 to 100K bytes $0.00016 USD per byte ($160.00 USD per 1 million bytes)

Standard voices 0 to 4 million characters $0.000004 USD per character ($4.00 USD per 1 million characters)

WaveNet voices 0 to 1 million characters $0.000016 USD per character ($16.00 USD per 1 million characters)

ChatGPT Pricing

gpt-3.5-turbo(Using) $0.002 / 1K tokens

gpt-4 8K context => $0.03 / 1K tokens | $0.06 / 1K tokens

gpt-4 32K context => $0.06 / 1K tokens | $0.12 / 1K tokens

Hey Jamie

Welcome, click OK to continue

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